Sunday, May 31, 2009

World is blissful! Everyday. Startup best practices.

I got-up at 6AM and went to enjoy the scenic run with Isaac and Holly. We enjoy running together a lot. As people say, any activity is done at three levels – physical, mental or spiritual level. These running experiences are somewhat at the mental and spiritual level which provides more relaxation then just running physically, which we need to do anyway to enjoy level 2 and 3. We start the run at the physical level but after 2-3 miles into the run, we tend to transition into level 2 and start enjoying the run lot more.

After we were done with our scenic route, I thought to do my favorite 10 miler along Town Lake. My mind was in confusion whether I do 10 miles or not. But then I said to myself to go for it, no more discussion. And that was it, my body was all ready for it. There is an important lesson in this decision making and driving it to completion. As long as our mind is divided in two options, most likely none of the options will get attention. But when there is only ONE, it can be done and it makes journey lot more fun! This kind of decision making is very important for start-ups. Start-ups are faster to execute on the vision because they are focused on single thing and decision making is quick as oppose to big companies who do have lot of resources compare to start-ups. Secondly, start-ups also tend to worry about sharing their idea with others. As Isaac puts it nicely – share your idea freely, the fact that start-ups go ahead and realize the idea faster than others is what makes them valuable. Until unless, start-ups have that passion and energy to r and make a difference in people’s life, idea alone will not go anywhere. So the idea has to be executed at mental and spiritual level and not just at the physical level to compose an outcome that people will enjoy.

So I started my 10 miler run and I was no more thinking whether I should have done other things instead of the run. One the other hand, I was enjoying my run. I saw tortoise swimming in the lake, so free!. I saw birds singing. I saw trees dancing with bliss and giving their best. When I said hello to other runners, they gave me their energy with smile. I saw a little baby walking and wondering what these little pieces are on the track - and the father telling little one that these are rocks. I saw life, full of colors.

Suddenly I started thinking how beautiful and blissful this morning was and thanking God for providing me the opportunity to enjoy His creation today. God gives us everyday with the same bliss, but at times, we just don’t notice the bliss around us. Noticing this bliss is just as easy as looking at the tree outside and appreciating the dance and positive energy tree is selflessly providing to the universe. Applying this tree theory is what sets smarter start-up teams apart from others.